Last year at this time, I posted “Early Spring.” It was intended to evoke spring’s sensuality while expressing sorrow that it might be nothing more than the haphazard product of natural selection. In spring, animals come to life while killing others,
There were two uplifting stories out of Texas last week. Both began badly. After the mosque in Victoria, Texas, burned down, Jews from the town’s temple went around to one of the mosque’s founders and handed him the keys to the synagogue. (The fire’s
Trumplodyte and the Arena People
Troglodytes were a tribe of cave dwellers. One of their descendants is American patriot Trumplodyte, living in a gold cave in the sky over Fifth Avenue. He loves his fellow Americans so much that he offered to come down and reign over them, even
Time Pathways
I’ve occasionally asked myself, say in a restaurant, is the friend sitting across from me experiencing this dinner in the same moment I am? My existence is separate from his, so why shouldn’t our moments in time also be separate? It’s as if I sense
The Strawberry Statement
On January 21, Donald Trump is going to look down from his high tower, in whichever dimension it may be, on the women marching in protest against his assault on civility and think to himself, “Melania and Ivanka look a whole lot better than these
A Flawed Teacher’s Elegant Legacy
Can a teacher who is deficient at her subject be a lasting positive influence? We’ve all encountered experts who do harm. I had two science teachers who were knowledgeable in their field but who taught so badly, one even sadistically, that I still