Front cover of Caroline, a novel by Adrian Spratt. Features a collage including New York City at night, locks of red hair, a vinyl record, a typewriter and a woman's legs in black tights.

Caroline: a novel

“[Spratt] unravels the slow processes by which friends, family members, and lovers change one another, writing in prose that’s psychologically exacting but infused with poetic resonance.”

Read more about the book.

Commentary, Stories and Essays

From time to time, I post commentary, satirical pieces and brief stories that cover subjects as diverse as bullying and other life’s lessons, the nature of comedy, the arrival of spring, a visit to a childhood home, disabled people in mainstream society, plans for eternity at a celebrated cemetery, a fondly remembered cat, the value of longing, the United States Constitution, loyalty to a sports team, and much more.

You’ll find links to the six most recent blog posts on this homepage. For a list of all posts, go to the Blog page. The Stories and Essays links take you to longer samples of my work.