Is it me, or does everyone have eccentric friends? Subscribers to this blog have met Neil, the most gentle of men who, among other adventures, nevertheless slashed a series of face-smacking branches extending out on to the sidewalk he regularly
Comma Wars
With all the questions swirling around us, one that doesn’t get enough attention is the role of the comma. Yet ask almost anyone about the placement of a comma, and you’ll get a passionate reaction. I told a well-read, non-author friend
Libby Speaks 7: A Qualified Candidate for President
Republican Council Member Max Morano was working late at the office—late for him—when he heard the news of the jury’s verdict in the case against his party’s candidate for President. “Perversion of justice,” he yelled to everyone and no
Libby Speaks 6: Conventional Thinking
“One more state to go to a Constitutional convention.” So proclaimed Republican Council Member Max Morano’s latest tweet. Having read it, Gavin Kane, his Democratic counterpart, summoned his chief of staff, Tina Millette. “What’s he getting at
Libby Speaks: Introduction
Inspiration for the Libby Speaks stories In the past I’ve posted six “Libby Speaks” stories to this website. I removed the sixth, but today I’m restoring a revised version. I’ll include links to the previous five at the end of this post. The
Superbloke: Publishers’ Summaries and the National Library Service
1 Publishers’ summaries are promotions for readers looking for something new. You find them on Amazon, Audible, Goodreads and most other bookseller websites. Their most notable characteristics are cliches, exaggeration and urgency—altogether,